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Saturday, April 28, 2012

Walk/Run June 3rd

 I'm putting this as a temporary post....part email I got from the president of the washington state chapter of NF.  The first part was about the board meeting....PLEDGE IF YOU CAN

Walk / Run on June 3rd at Marymoor Park in Redmond.  

 I encourage you to ask for pledges within your circle of friends, your own networks, your childrens' schools, your jobs ---  reaching outside the NF arena as well   Information and pledge sheets are at 

If each person collected $10 from just 10 people -- that's $100!  This is an easy, effective way to raise money for NF Ask the Doc, research efforts, advocacy in DC,  NF camp for kids, and educational scholarships for young adults with NF, mailings of brochures and booklets, as well as travel stipends to get people to our events.   Last year WSNF paid for the train ticket for a young man from Idaho -- to come to the NF Ask the Doc --who'd never even met someone with NF before!!!   That's the kind of work we can't put a dollar amount on... to Brandon, it was priceless. 

This year I understand we will be giving an I Pad  to the highest pledge raiser!  This is based on pledges brought to the event -- not pledges promised in the future.

Nintendo  has agreed to sponsor WSNF again this year for $5000!  They are quite fine with using the money to sponsor the Walk / run 2012!   That means we can build on the $5000 with little to no expense  and this money will benefit those that live with NF directly!

We all need help with the pledge raising.   Lets get this information on FaceBook, Twitter, and go viral!  

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