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Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Each Year

How many heartbeats will pound in our ears, how much laughter, how many tears? 

How many times do our eyes blink each day, compared to the number of thoughts gone astray?

How many times to we whine and complain, and who do we praise without thinking of gain?

How often locked away with our woes, compared to the times with beach sand between toes?

How much dark chocolate and how many greens, how often hiding and how often seen?

How often stopping because of some fear, how often pushing past what’s in that mirror?

How often grateful for all that we have, how often “I want” spreads like some kind of salve?

How many promises kept day by day, how many excuses held them at bay?

How often sick and how often well, is life often heaven or more often hell?

How often eating at life’s apple pie, how often wishing and hoping to die?

How many tumors can fit in my frame causing problems that just are too many to name,

How does one make peace with this kind of life, filled with pain, isolation and merciless strife?

Where does one find the courage to be here in peace and remember it’s never to own but to lease? 

No one said it was easy but when I’m aware, I know choosing the light gets me closer to “there”.

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