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Tuesday, February 18, 2014

CBD Bust

Well, the CBD is a bust so far.  Big surprise.  My pain receptors are full and opioids do nothing so I thought a back door approach might work.  Will use what I have left, but the pain is just getting worse and worse.  It doesn’t help that a 10 pound cat loves to sleep right on my legs.  I told him he could only sleep there is he would heal me.  And he’s a whirling dervish in the mornings. Knocking things over and breaking a few.  If anyone wants him….(kidding…sort of)

I have been going over my wishes for after I die with my family.  Still working on a backup plan if the bio storage thing that CTF is supposedly putting together isn’t up and running.   I have a call in to the pain clinic at the U to ask them if they have a body donation program.  I just want it to be for NF research and nothing more.  And before that happens, I want the traditional Jewish way of watching over the body after the soul exits, for three days (loved ones take turns).

It’s difficult to have these conversations, but necessary.  I encourage you to have them with your families, whether or not you are ill, because you just never know what is going to happen and you don’t want your loved ones and or friends wondering what you would have wanted.  Part of me just doesn’t care, but I did put a few things together besides what to do with my body.

I’m not sure how much longer I can do this (the blog).  I will try, but it’s been getting harder and harder because of the pain and my mental and emotional health.   But I’ve enjoyed doing it and it has kept me somewhat sane.  If I don’t write anymore, I thank you all for reading and I hope it’s helped you sometimes, in some ways.  We shall see….

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